
Bluestacks crashes windows 10
Bluestacks crashes windows 10

bluestacks crashes windows 10

Unless you manually adjusted the pagetable of the process to map that physical address to a virtual address at exactly the same distancen that is not going to work The memory at 7bf36000 to 7bf36fff may belong to the process you're looking at, but that is no guarantee that any other address belongs it (depends on the virtual to physical memory paging in the android paging system) When you attach to bluestacks instead of using ceserver you are looking at physical memory of the android system My researchs lead me to believe that the code being disasembled by CE (be it by ceserver or by regular ce windows use on bluestacks) is wrong. Long live DarkByte and the amazing toys he keeps feeding us. Ps : long time since I last came to this forum. The reason I do not use CE with ceserverx86 is that whenever i do code injection on bluestacks, cheat engine becomes unable to write any memory in the game *only when using CE server connect to rooted android device with ceserverx86*.ġst question) Does code injection through ceserver supposedly work with android devices ?Ģnd question) Do you have any idea why the android game crashes (not bluestack itself) when I inject to it from CE windows using process target (and not through ceserver) ("empty code injection" ie ctrl+c ctrl+i and execute) ?įor question 2) i should add that this seemingly isn't due to any memory integrity check because the game keeps running fine after code injection unless i start to click around (in which case i am confident the injected code gets executed. The injection is done with CE 7.1 on windows 10 圆4. The code replaced by jump was already 5 bytes large. This picture is just for the sake of showing code should not affect program behaviour. I am a bluestack (android) newbie reverse engineer.įor some reason, the simplest code injection on my bluestack program crashes the game.

bluestacks crashes windows 10 bluestacks crashes windows 10

Posted: Mon 6:28 am Post subject: Code injection to bluestack's game crashes the game

Bluestacks crashes windows 10